Princelings Revolution

From the Publisher:

Jasmine’s birthday party ends in disaster. George seems to have lost a phial of highly dangerous liquid. And Fred, well, King Fred is battling politics, relatives and self-serving dignitaries in his aim to give the people a better way of living.

The planes are crashing, the people are angry at the changes and shortages. King Fred puts democracy to the test and finds it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. And things are going from bad to worse…

Above all this there is a promise Fred wants to keep. A promise to an engaging chap he made when he was a mere stripling, when he persuaded Lord Marius of Hattan to stop the Great Energy Drain.

What will happen if he fails?

The tenth and final book of the Princelings of the East series brings our heroes to the brink of disaster. The Realms will never be the same again – but how will Fred, George, Jasmine, Willoughby and all the others fare?

An intriguing fantasy mystery adventure for readers aged 10 and upwards.


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